Antique Bottles in the News -- Diggers Too

Rick Weiner with Warners bottle

Rick Weiner with Warner's quack medicine bottle. Photo courtesy Rick Weiner.


Good Bottle-Hobby news: Both the Antique Trader paper/website, and Antique Bottle & Glass Collector magazine, printed an article about Rick Weiner's exciting privy/bottle-dig.
According to the Antique trader article (read it here), "There were close to 700 whiskey  "Warranted" flasks in the 1880s-90s privy and 30 or more beer mugs, shot glasses and countless broken oil lamp globs in the 1870s privy."

The full tale of Rick Weiner and Paul Seidel's dig, titled "The Mystery Tavern," ... can be read online at

Then check out all the pix of incredible bottles that were dig-finds here: -- the photos will make all you bottle collectors drool, and the diggers will want to get their shovels out! If you're not a digger, you'll feel the need to get out to a bottle show soon!


Here's just one pic from the website -- but there are plenty of unbroken gems pictured too!



"This is what we call a heart breaker! A cornflower blue Washington father of our Country. This was put back together.(some what)"

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