I Had a BALL - Mason Bright and His Historic Ball Jar Collection

Findlay Antique Bottle Club member Jeff Klingler has written a great article -- with many pix -- about his recent visit to see long-time fruit jar collector Mason Bright's amazing collection.

Read Jeff's article here. You will see MANY wonderful jar pix -- I promise!

Here's an exerpt from the article:
" One of the great things about any hobby, is sharing your chosen passion with others. I have been an avid fruit jar collector for a long time now and hanging out with fellow collectors is one great way to learn things about these jars that date back to the 1850's. Usually the most common ground for such a gathering would be at local bottle club meetings or the various bottle shows held all over the country. But one of the best ways to see examples of jars not usually found "in the wild" is to make a visit to another long time collector's home.
Findlay Antique Bottle Club members Richard Elwood, Marianne Dow and myself did just that a couple of weeks ago. Mason Bright had extended an invitation to come and see his jar collection a year of so ago, and finally we found a weekend to make the trip up to Michigan and see his fabulous Ball Jar Collection ... "

Read the entire article here. You'll be wowed by all the photos. Good job, Jeff!

Editor's note: Originally published on the club's old website, this article is now here on the club's blog for achiving. Even if you read it the first time, it's well worth another read. --M.D.

The FinBotClub Blog is published by the Findlay Antique Bottle Club of Ohio

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