Joe Coulson Wins 1st Place in FOHBC Newsletter Contest for Writing/ Editing the Midwest Fruit Jar Club's Glass Chatter

We here at FinBotClub want to give a shout out to Joe Coulson, the editor of the Midwest Antique Bottle and Fruit Jar Club's wonderful newsletter. Joe's efforts garnered 1st Place in the FOHBC's 2009 Newsletter Contest -- Way to go, Joe!

Joe does a fantastic job as the club secretary and as the newlsetter's editor/writer/photographer/graphics artist/layout designer/and-whatever-else-is-required-doer.

Each month's newsletter is available to club members/subscribers online, and is well worth the cost of membership dues in the MABFJC -- website:, as it is chock full of info, articles, bottle hobby commentary, and, of course, LOTS OF PIX.

Here are the links to the recent newsletters -- grab a cup of coffee, and take a few minutes to read them. Even if you aren't a fruit jar collector, you will still enjoy them - I promise. After all, they are the best newsletters in the hobby -- you saw the award -- and it is well-earned.

    Ready - set - read!

The FinBotClub Blog is published by the Findlay Antique Bottle Club of Ohio

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