Promoting the Antique Bottle Collecting Hobby is a Good Thing

We love it when the antique bottle collecting hobby makes the news. And it seems to be happening more and more often. The hobby is very active, and growing.

The upcoming antique bottles auction by American Bottle Auctions ( made this week's Antique Trader, with a nice article/press release, and some lovely big color pix. Read the article here. (Published December 2009)

Even though they are advertising their auction, it also puts the spotlight on bottle collecting. Anything that promotes the hobby is great!



  1. Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the hobby. As you say, "Anything that promotes the hobby is great!" I enjoyed Wilmington a lot and was able to meet a ton of customers and friends, many of whom I'd never met. Giving the presentation and accepting the Honor Roll award was most gratifying and seeing Terry Kovel was also a treat. You guys are doing a great job and I want to congratulate you on presenting such a terrific show and wonderful banquet and auction. Kudos to the Findlay Bottle Club and all they are doing for this great hobby.
    Best Regards,
    Jeff Wichmann
  2. Jeff -- I agree, the chance to put faces with names, and to meet fellow collectors in person, some of whom are legendary in the hobby, like Terry Kovel, was the best part of the National Bottle show.

    Thank you for your lovely comments and compliments. Your Honor Roll award was well deserved, for all of your hobby promoting efforts. --Marianne

The FinBotClub Blog is published by the Findlay Antique Bottle Club of Ohio


  1. Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the hobby. As you say, "Anything that promotes the hobby is great!" I enjoyed Wilmington a lot and was able to meet a ton of customers and friends, many of whom I'd never met. Giving the presentation and accepting the Honor Roll award was most gratifying and seeing Terry Kovel was also a treat. You guys are doing a great job and I want to congratulate you on presenting such a terrific show and wonderful banquet and auction. Kudos to the Findlay Bottle Club and all they are doing for this great hobby.
    Best Regards,
    Jeff Wichmann

  2. Jeff -- I agree, the chance to put faces with names, and to meet fellow collectors in person, some of whom are legendary in the hobby, like Terry Kovel, was the best part of the National Bottle show.

    Thank you for your lovely comments and compliments. Your Honor Roll award was well deserved, for all of your hobby promoting efforts. --Marianne


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