JARS-UARY 2010 Muncie Fruit Jar Show

JARS-UARY 2010 -- Winter Muncie Fruit Jar Show Was Beyond Fabulous!

Can you believe it's JARS-uary again, folks?! Time flies when you're having fun, and FUN was definitely had this last weekend at the Muncie Fruit Jar Get-Together.

Once again, the Midwest Antique Fruit Jar & Bottle Club threw a heck of a shindig -- a BIG THANKS to all the MAFJBC club members who work so hard to pull it all together -- we all appreciate you!

The hospitality and room-hopping at the hotel was so much fun -- it was like a big fruit jar camp/slumber party, with everyone running around, visiting with fellow jar collectors, learning about jars, hearing the stories, legends, and lore of this great hobby.

Of course jars were bought and sold, and snacks were eaten, and a little (!!) liquid refreshment consumed, but the main activity was creating new friendships, and cementing older ones.

If you were there, you know what I am talking about. If you weren't there -- we missed you, and we hope you'll come to the GREAT SUMMER 2010 FRUIT JAR GET-TOGETHER (no Sunday show, but all the hotel events will be held -- details to come).

Here are comments from some of the folks who attended, excerpted from the Ball Jar Collectors Community website:

Mike Rutledge says "Stay tuned folks ... this is the BEST show I've ever been to and you will be blown away if you are anything like me [although my memory is pretty short ;-) ] ... I am not naming names or giving any hints about anything folks will say LOL ... ya just gotta wait and see what shows up here ... after all, anything is possible right?"

Bruce Schank says "...even if I hadn't of gone home with a single jar (and I went home with a box full) I can honestly say Muncie 2010 was an absolute incredible Blast of a Time! "

Jeff Harper says "...I agree - it was an incredible amount of fun with room hopping and great discussions (or bull sessions)..."

Jeff Klingler says "...everyone SCORED some very nice jars, and i will say this..... if you want to go and see GREAT JARS then the munice show is the only place to be. it is hands down the best fruit jar show anywhere.. PERIOD. it always brings out the best of the best, and the pics you will see in the next few days of BALL jars are fabulous. ...but let me say that even with the jars everywhere....it was the people that are the best. "

Jon ____ says "...I do agree that Muncie was a fantastic time.... I am still catching up on sleep, and I was only in on Saturday and Sunday. Non-stop jar action.... It was a great joy to spend time with everyone..... I can not wait until next January.... or would that be July!!!!!! "

Joe Coulson says "...It's DEAD CLEAR that this show was SPECIAL and not much could be IMPROVED upon. We had an LLL of a time... I will agree, the best part though is the PEOPLE. This show was like a big "jar family" reunion."

Dick Cole says "...Some said it was the best Muncie Show ever - well, I'll agree if you say "in recent history" instead of "ever." Don Burkett said that he had NEVER seen as many quality jars at a show. He has more experience than I, but I agree completely. "

We did have some serious jar related activities, of course. Jerry McCann gave a talk about the Millville series of jars. There was a club meeting and bottle auction on Saturday. Sunday was the official show, and there were some excellent displays there, too. Also, there were announcements about this summer's FOHBC National Show (stay tuned for more details).

Joe Coulson, Joe Merkel, and Tina Chavez singing about JARS-UARY!!!

But there was just tons'o'fun! Be sure to read Bruce Schank's show report, chock full of killer photos of killer jars and super people -- Winter Muncie 2010 - Side A - The Lighter Side .

And here's the link, if you'd like to re-read Brucie's 2009 Winter Muncie Show report, titled As the Fruit Jar Turns ....

Continuing on with JARS-UARY, there are 2 new installments in Bruce Schank's wonderful LEGENDS OF THE JARS interview series -- again, chock full of pictures that will make you drool.

Bruce has spent a lot of time over the last year or so, visiting, interviewing, and writing these articles. It is great that he is documenting some of the fruit jar and bottle collecting hobby's great collectors, and sharing these legend's stories with all of us. I am sure that we have lost many collectors whose stories we would love to have had saved for us, and whose collections have been dispersed. I applaud Bruce, and encourage anyone else who has the time and desire to do the same.


These are certainly worthy additions to the list. You may want to re-read the earlier interviews: Phil Alvarez, Dick Watson, Bob Clay, Phil Smith, and Bo Trimble.

I wonder who's next?

I have some JARS-UARY MUNCIE 2010 pix and video clips that I will be posting soon, so stay tuned.

PS - Chicago resident and Fruit Jar collector Pete Peterson's son has had his novel published - congrats to Joseph Peterson! Read an excerpt from the novel here on his website, http://www.josephgpeterson.com/ , which says:

"Beautiful Piece is a gritty noir novel set during a Chicago heat wave. In carefully crafted prose with a distinct urban flavor rich in metaphor and wordplay, this gritty psychological tale will appeal to readers of noir and experimental fiction."

Buy the book on Amazon -- I bought it, and am half-way through reading it -- it's a great story!

The FinBotClub Blog is published by the Findlay Antique Bottle Club of Ohio

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