2010 Summer Muncie Fruit Jar Show Get Together Videos Photos Report - JAR-Tastic!

Yes, fruit jar collectors definitely UNITED, and we all had a BALL in Muncie! The 2010 Summer Hotel-Show was a huge success. We had close to 100 attendees, with over 30 hotel rooms booked. Some old faces reappeared, including long-missed Father Pat Willhelm, who brought his personal "Holy Grail" jar to the Show and Tell session, and regaled us with several stories. Bruce "Mr. UN-Informed" Schank even brought his wife, Glenna, prompting Dick Cole to offer her "his condolences" for having to put up with the Jersey Boy.

Norm and Junne Barnett were able to attend. Norm said, "It is like the original Get-Together, way back before we ever added a Sunday show".

There were some new collectors there, too, who found out about the Get-Together from some of our print and on-line promotions. I enjoyed meeting them all, especially long-time tool collector, new jar collector,  Clarence "The Maine-iac" Blanchard -- I love his Maine accent -- especially when he says Jaahz!  I really enjoyed meeting the bubbly-personalitied Marion, who ditched her husband at a tractor show, and joined us for 2 days. They just fit right in.

I hope to see everyone again in January, or sooner -- the National Bottle Show is fast approaching -- and then there's the Findlay Bottle Show in October!

Jerry McCann had reserved both of the upstairs meeting rooms for the duration, which served as "home base". A tasty spread was put out each afternoon, and replenished for the evenings, including some liquid libations, too.

Jerry and I want to thank the Midwest Club and all the Get-Together attendees for their generous contributions towards our expenses. We thank you all for coming, and for making this such a fun event.  It exceeded our expectations, and we hope you feel that way too.

Some of the regulars set their jars up in the meeting rooms, and held court there, instead of in their hotel rooms. Greg Spurgeon had his "Bargain" jars -- which all sold! The new collectors really had fun choosing their $5 treasures -- I even bought one! Jeff Klingler, Tom Caniff, Joe Merkel, and Jerry McCann also kept their jars for sale upstairs, so there was always something to look at while we were eating, drinking, and visiting.

A couple of young men from Iowa decided on a spur-of-the-moment Road Trip!  I didn't get their names, I'm sorry to say. They came in Friday afternoon, asking who to pay to set up. They were in shock when we said, "No, it's free! Just go ahead and set your jars up on one of these tables -- there's no charge. And help yourself to a sandwich and a beer, too!"

At first, there were some raised eyebrows, and mumbled "What are those kids doing here?" type comments. But they proceeded to surprise us all by pulling out some VERY GOOD JARS. The apple green SCRANTON jar sold quickly, along with some great-colored CFJ 1858's. The "boys" were immediately surrounded by shoppers, and embraced as "one of us". The sellers and the buyers were all very happy, and let's just say, the "Boys from Iowa" will be back! Hope they will spend more than just a few hours next time.

Of course, there was a lot of the traditional room hopping going on the entire time too. And groups of friends going out for meals together. But I think just about everyone spent at least some time up in the Hospitality Room upstairs. It is hard to resist jars and laughter -- an intoxicating combo.

Jerry McCann gave a talk on Thursday, and again on Friday. There was a different audience group each day, of 20+ people each time. He talked about the history of fruit jars, focusing on the pre-Civil War transitional period when food containers morphed into what we know as fruit jars. There were some loud oohs and aahs when he pulled out his display examples. Here's a couple video clips. Jerry will also be giving a seminar at the National Show.

Jeff Klingler gave a talk about a certain line of jars he collects, Mason QG's, and his search to find out who makes them. It is still a mystery, but story of his search, with the resulting line up of jars, was compelling. The "ah-ha" moment was when he pulled out the matching-color California insulators to highlight his theory. You'll have to ask Jeff for more details, as I missed his presentation. Sorry, honey!

Saturday morning was the Jelly Jammers Club meeting. One of these days I will get up early enough to attend their meeting. Then in the afternoon was the MAFJBC monthly meeting. The fun part is seeing all the fascinating Show and Tell items. Father Pat's aforementioned Holy Grail jar, Tom Sproat's wooden fruit jar (see video clips), Tom Caniff's labeled jars, Jeff Klingler's unopened case of BALL 1/2 gal. Square Ideal jars -- or are they? Until the box is opened, who knows what's really in there!

There were many more treasures shown, and some were put into the auction. My favorite auction consignment was the great vintage photograph of a canning display which had so many great antique fruit jars in it.

I know there were many more wonderful people I should name. I would try to list them all, but I am sure I would fail. I wish I had a better memory, and had taken more photos.  For those who were there, you know I enjoyed our visits. For those who couldn't make it, we all missed you.

I will be sure to link to any show reports I find about this Summer Muncie Hotel-Show Get-Together. If you have photos or memories to share, please email me, and I will add to this post. Please help me to document this amazing weekend.

Again -- a huge THANK YOU you to everyone who was there. It is certainly a group of very special people.

See you all in January for the MAFJBC's annual show!

Thank you to everyone who helped promote the event -- Phyllis Koch who donated our printed flyers, Jim Hagenbuch and Antique Bottle and Glass Magazine, Joe Coulson and MAFJBC Glass Chatter newsletter, the FOHBC Bottles and Extras Magazine, the Ball Jar Collectors Community website, the Collectors Weekly website, and the Findlay Bottle Club website.

Thank you, too, to Signature Inn's manager, the wonderfully helpful and ever-friendly Cathy Hewson, and her smiling, hard-working staff for going above and beyond to make sure we had everything we needed. (Except an elevator!) Remember to call her and reserve your room for January.

You will want to be there, in Muncie, the one place where you can speak your special language of fruit-jar-ese that only your fellow fruit jar collectors truly understand. 

More Findlay Bottle Club videos on our YOU TUBE channel.

The FinBotClub Blog is published by the Findlay Antique Bottle Club of Ohio

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