People Pix from Nat'l Show - cont'd.

More people pix from Bruce Schank's camera -- these are from the banquet event.

Here's Bruce's wife, Glenna, sitting with Joe Coulson, and Bruce's son, Brad.

Jerry McCann talking with the evening's speaker, Sheldon Baugh.

Jeff Klingler and Marianne Dow

Show Coordinator and Banquet "Hostess with the Mostess" Patty Elwood, and Richard Elwood.

The FinBotClub Blog is published by the Findlay Antique Bottle Club of Ohio


  1. Hurray for the Findly Antique Bottle Club and the great job with the National Show. Cudos to Marianne Dow, Richard & Patty Elwood, Jamie Houdeshell for the fine job they did. I am confident there were others I don't know about I would like to congratulate. So sorry we could not be there because of Betty's health. She is slowly getting better. We appreciate all the good we have heard about the show. Best Regards, Gary Beatty

  2. Gary - Glad to hear your wife, Betty, is feeling better. You were both missed at the Nat'l Show. Thank you again for contributing your great memories article to the souvenir program.


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