2010 FOHBC National Bottle Show to be Live Blogged

Hi there bottle collectors! By this time, I hope you have made all your reservations, and are packed and ready to make the pilgrimage to the much-anticipated FOHBC National Bottle Show!

Sadly, after months of prep work, show chairman Jamie Houdeshell is under-the-weather, and won't be able to attend the show. I know you all join me in sending him a "GET WELL SOON" wish! (You can email him at jhbottle@hotmail.com )

Patty Elwood and Joe Hardin are stepping up, handling all the last minute prep details, and coordinating the 'live' event. They are both experienced in putting on bottle shows, and will do a fantastic job.

Here's a request for those of you who are attending, especially FOHBC members: We need volunteers to help out at the registration/admissions tables.

We'll need people for any portion of these times:

  • Friday afternoon, 4pm - 7pm

  • Saturday - all day - 7am - 5pm

  • Sunday - show day - 7am - 3pm
So, if you've got a 1/2 hour, an hour (or more!) in your schedule, let us know -- or just show up, and we'll put you to work. It's "light duty", not really work, gets you off your feet, and it's a fun way to say "hi" to everyone as they arrive. You'll really be helping the show. Please, and thank you!

Help is also needed for the Saturday night auction. We'll need volunteers to help register bidders, to hold up and pass out the bottles, and help Patty with buyer checkouts. Please talk to her asap.

For those of you who won't be able to attend the show this year, you can follow along as I "live blog" all 3 days. Just watch right here on the Findlay Bottle Club's website. I will be sending in comments and photographs as we go along. It'll be almost like being there! Well, maybe not -- but I'll try to make it fun and interesting!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there -- can't believe it's finally SHOW TIME! I can't wait to get there and see it "Go LIVE"!

The FinBotClub Blog is published by the Findlay Antique Bottle Club of Ohio

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