2010 is coming to an end, and the Findlay Bottle Club is looking forward to the new year. We're making a few changes.
First, our longtime newsletter editor Tom Brown has retired as editor. We want to thank him for his many years of putting together articles and news about the bottle hobby for our newsletter, Whittlemarks. Tom used to be Co-editor with Shirley MacDonald who retired a few years ago due to ill-health. Their hard work has been enjoyed and appreciated for years. THANK YOU!
Our club is foregoing the print newsletter. It just not practical, given the costs. This website is able to cover far more than we could ever afford to print, and accesses 100's more eyeballs. Our club website and all of our email newsletters will continue to be free.
We will continue keeping you updated on all our club activities here on this website, and sharing hobby news.
Content contributions are always welcome. Please send in your articles, press releases, show flyers, show reports, photos, club info -- anything you want the bottle collecting world to see. Our email list is at almost 500 names, and growing daily. The website gets 1,000's of hits each month. Your articles will be available online (and searchable) for readers 'forever', long after a monthly printed issue will be set aside. Contact Marianne Dow at finbotclub@gmail.com
We have voted in our club officers for 2011. Thank you to the outgoing officers. Your time and contributions are so appreciated. Thank you, too, to the incoming officers, we look forward to working together.
President - Jeff Klingler
Vice President - Tom Brown
Treasurer - Mike Bauer
Secretary & Website Editor - Marianne Dow
Show Chairman - Fred Curtis
Time to pay your club membership dues for 2011.
•Membership is open to all.
•Annual dues are only $12.00 for individuals or families. Age 60 and over may join for $10.00.
Your dues helps our small club with the costs of putting on our annual bottle show. Your support is greatly appreciated - thank you to all of our members, past, present, and future!
•Send your dues check to: Findlay Antique Bottle Club / PO Box 1329 / Findlay, Ohio 45839
More info here: http://finbotclub.blogspot.com/2009/05/bottle-club-meetings-are-fun.html
Next Meeting
The Dec. 12 meeting will be held at the college, @ 7pm, as usual.
We will be having our Christmas Party -- everyone is invited!
Bring finger-food/snacks and BYO-Beverage, and bring your family and friends, too!
Next Show
Show Chairman Fred Curtis announced that it is official, we have our signed contract with the Old Barn site, so we will have our 2011 bottle show -- yay! The date is Sunday October 16, 2011.
The FinBotClub Blog is published by the Findlay Antique Bottle Club of Ohio
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