Bottle website called: Bottle Mysteries

Here's another email from one of our blog readers -- I am happy to share info and letters -- so keep 'em coming!

RED MATTHEWS website says

"Bottle Mysteries: information about rare and collectible glass bottles from a member of the glass bottle mold manufacturing industry"

And here's his email to us:

Thank you for your email coverage of the show.  I belong to a small bottle club in Sarasota FL, and have been into glass collecting, bottle mold making and glass manufacturing for many years.  My home page is:  - if you want to advise your club members about my existence it is fine with me.  My email you already have.   I have specialized in Case Gins, SARATOGA Mineral Waters, and early demijohns.
I have collected what ever turns me on. 

My homepage is intended to help other glass collectors learn about the process markings on early bottles made.  I only have a few blogs posted but about 24 more in process.  It is just the best thing I can offer in my retirement years. 

Thank you again.  RED Matthews


I look forward to reading more of the articles on Red's website. The list of upcoming subjects is impressive - he has his work cut out for him.

The FinBotClub Blog is published by the Findlay Antique Bottle Club of Ohio

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