$16K -- What A Dilly of A Pickle -- Bottle, That Is!

Thanks, Terry!

Kovels.com continues its coverage and support of the antique bottle collecting hobby with 2 entries in the latest (July 25, 2012) edition of Kovels Komments, their weekly free e-newsletter. 

The newsletter goes out to 1,000s of Kovel's subscribers, so they're helping more people become aware of bottle collecting, and that's a very good thing -- -- so go subscribe now!   
  • They reported on a gorgeous blue Cathedral pickle bottle that recently sold for $16K
  • And they listed several bottle hobby resources

Article TitleDate
Bottle Collecting: Shows and Resources for CollectorsJuly 25, 2012
Blue Pickle Bottle Brings $16,200July 25, 2012

The Cathedral pickle bottle sold last April (see the eBay listing here), and Peachridge Glass reported on it back then, with some nice big pix, of course.

Ralph Finch has written a long chatty article about the bottle, it's exciting auction journey, and the happy new owner. The article is published in the August 2012 Maine Antiques Digest.

Read it in full here:
A Box-Lot Blue Pickle, "Wonderfully Imperfect" Stirs Fuss on eBay by Ralph Finch

Kim Kokles is shown holding his new blue pickle .

PS - I was looking at google images to find pix for this post, and saw this chalkboard image. Sigh... Sadly, according to urbandictionary.com, 'blue pickle' is a naughty slang term, so be careful where you talk about this! What's this world coming to? Yikes!

Findlay Antique Bottle Club -- Website - Facebook - Twitter

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