Your Bottle Collection Is Also Your Scrapbook

 Antique bottle collector's will want to read Ferdinand Meyer's FOHBC President's Message. I like his comments about making your hobby activities a total experience. If you can, add in other local activities when you are out treasure hunting. When you get home, you will have some great memories when you look at that bottle, and reminisce about the fun you had, and the friends you were with, when you got it. Your bottle collection will be your scrapbook.

Read the entire letter here:

FOHBC President’s Message • November | December 2012

"... I am also looking forward to the great 49er Bottle Show in Old Town Auburn, California in December. We usually go to the Festival of Lights parade each year after the show. We love it because the horses, dogs, goats, people and trucks all are adorned with lights for Christmas. Remember, a show is so much better if you make it an experience. While you are at a show, visit a collection, go to a museum, have dinner with a bottle friend, go on a dig etc. There are so many things you can do to stay connected with our great hobby. Make it a multi-dimensional experience. Happy autumn and winter. ..." -- F. Meyer V

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