Midwest Fruit Jar Club wins 2 Awards in FOHBC Publishing Contest

Findlay Club friends Dick Cole and Joe Coulson received awards from the FOHBC, the national antique bottle collectors organization.
Dick Cole presents award to Joe Coulson

Joe's editor award; 2nd Place, 2013

Award for Dick Cole's article.

Congratulations to the Midwest Antique Fruit Jar Club,  and to Dick Cole and Joe Coulson. Each won awards in the FOHBC's 2013 publishing contest.

Dick Cole received 2nd place in the Best Researched Story category for his outstanding article on The Amber Buffalo Jar

Read the entire article here: link.

Not only is Dick a historian, he is also a humorist. For example, read his title/intro to the award winning article:

Joe Coulson received 2nd place in the Best Newsletter category for editing the club's GLASS CHATTER newsletter. He does the writing and photography too. Joe previously won 1st Place in 2009 for his outstanding newsletter editing.

Read the latest newsletter here -- August 2013 pdf link.

Find the Midwest Fruit Jar Club online at fruitjar.org
Find the FOHBC online at fohbc.org

Congratulations to the other winners, too! 

Joe Coulson

1st Place, 2009
Findlay Antique Bottle Club
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