Jar People Are the Best! Some Highlights of 2014's Fruit Jar and Bottle Shows / A Photo Album

Jars in sparkling Spring colors in my window.

Below are a selection of screen shot photos from some of the Midwest Fruit Jar Club's 2014 newsletters.

What's the best thing about the antique bottle hobby? The PEOPLE, of course! So in addition to jars and bottles, here are some friendly faces from recent events.

The pix are just teasers. For the rest of the photos and articles written by Joe Coulson, read the entire newsletter:

  • January 2014 -- coverage of the January 2014 Muncie Fruit Jar Show pre-show hotel get-together/show'n'tell.
  • February 2014 -- a tour of "Mr. Atlas", Russ Crupe's collection and a show report on the February 2014 Columbus Bottle Show.
  • March 2014 -- show report on the March 2014 St. Louis Bottle Show
  • April 2014
  • May 2014

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