Urbana Bottle Show Cancelled
The Champaign County Fair Board has CANCELED the Urbana Antique Bottle and Advertising Show that was scheduled for August 17th. The building has been mistakenly contracted out for another event and we were only told recently of this conflict. No one is more disappointed than I.
Please inform any local collectors and your local bottle club of this cancellation. If you have it posted on your website or event calendar, please make those changes. If you have flyers, please recycle.
All contracts will be returned with full refund. Don’t forget to cancel any hotel/motel reservations you may have made.
Also of note:
There will NOT be a 2013 Summer Muncie Fruit Jar Get Together (link)
So pick up the pieces of your shattered bottle collecting heart, and find some more bottle shows here: FOHBC Show calendar.
From the ''Things that make you go hmmm... file'':
The automated glass bottle making machine is said to have done more for education than child labor laws:
IN 1913, MIchael J. Owens, a principal figure in the American glass industry, received an unsolicited letter from a “special agent” of the National Child Labor Committee (NCLC). The contents were startling.
The NCLC had, since its founding nearly ten years earlier, devoted itself almost exclusively to ending industrial child labor in America and had achieved remarkable success in that arena. Further, the NCLC had focused special attention on the nation’s glass-bottle industry, which, with its longstanding practice of employing thousands of children—the so-called glass house boys—had one of the most egregious records of child employment in the country.
Yet, notwithstanding these efforts, this letter thanked Owens for accomplishing what the NCLC admitted it had been unable to do: virtually ending the use of child labor in the nation’s glassbottle factories, especially the practice of night labor, for which the glass houses were infamous and which the committee considered particularly odious.
The letter Owens received is especially remarkable because he was no progressive reformer. He was the son of a West Virginia coal miner and was himself a former union glass worker who had become one of the leading industrial glass men in the country.
What Owens did to generate the letter and earn the praise and respect of the NCLC was to invent, patent, and market the world’s first fully automated glass-bottle blowing machine, what came to be known as the “Owens Automatic.”
Until that time, because of the intricacies of the production process, glass bottles were almost universally made by hand. The Owens Automatic marked the end of a method of glass production that had held sway for thousands of years and had shaped nearly every aspect of the American glass bottle industry. [Read more.]_____________________________

As of July 28, 2013 domestic Priority Mail will now include, without additional charge, either $50 or $100 insurance for loss, damage, and missing merchandise.
Read more - https://www.usps.com/making-priority-mail-better.htm#PM8
(I'm sure it will take a while for the ebay invoicing system to reflect this, but it's still good news for collectors.)
Watch Michael George, on local tv, promoting the FOHBC National Bottle Show in Manchester NH (to be held on July 20-21, 2013)
Email Maureen Crawford for last-minute tables - mcrawf@comcast.net
(see video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdGcJDSjFSw )
[Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors = FOHBC.org]
SOLD @ $37,000+
A St. Drake’s Plantation 1860 X bitters bottle, made circa 1862-1872 and one of only a few known in the blue-green color, soared to $37,950 at American Bottle Auctions’ Internet and catalog sale #58. [More] |
Lots of great show'n'tell over on the facebook BOTTLE COLLECTORS group page -- https://www.facebook.com/groups/9767861815/
A few of Ferdinand Meyer's Recent Posts:
- 43rd Annual Atlanta Antique Bottle Show
- N. K. Brown’s Iron & Quinine Bitters – Burlington, Vermont
- Jackass Celebrated Kidney & Liver Bitters – Sacramento
- Warren Mortimer Watson and his German Balsam Bitters
- Paul G. Klinkenberg Drug Store – Kendallville, Indiana
- The wonderful Horse Shoe Bitters from Collinsville, Illinois
- Texas Druggist Bottle List
- The ornate Yamara Cordial Bitters – Chicago
- Starting at the “Bottom” – The English Royal Privy
- The handled Foerster’s Teutonic Bitters – Chicago
- Youngblood’s Tonic Bitters – Galveston, Texas
- Dave Kam and his Exciting Basement Find
- Robertson’s Tonic Bitters – Austin, Texas
- Texas Bitters List
- The elusive Heidenheimer Bitters – Galveston, Texas
Findlay Antique Bottle Club
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