From "The Vancouver Courier" -- "Historical dig near Cambie bridge uncovers antique bottles":
"Secretive group scours city construction sites during off-hours...
Over the past two years, a highly guarded group of diggers unearthed historical treasures in a covert operation near a police department parking lot by Cambie Street bridge.
The diggers, members of the Fraser Valley Antiques and Collectibles Club, discovered valuable antique bottles dating back to the early years of Vancouver.
The digs, which produced between 50 and 100 premier quality bottles, took place at the old public works yard near Cambie and First, which made way for the Southeast False Creek development.The finds include a Doering and Marstrand Brewing Company mug, rare ceramic Thorpe bottles and several beautifully coloured orange and green glass Brighton seltzer water bottles.
Diggers typically show up in the evenings and on Sundays. It took courage at the old public works yard because it backed on to the Vancouver Police Department parking lot."
"With diggers the money part of it is almost incidental. It's always mostly just about the history and the fact that these things are really just a curiosity piece," Wilson said. "It's that whole thing--you can hold history in your hands and you can actually go out and dig buried treasure so to speak."
The FinBotClub Blog is published by the Findlay Antique Bottle Club of Ohio
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